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project 01.  (w/Team Downey). French New Wave rides again. Set in present-day San Francisco, "Bastion" (working title) tells the story of the California Witness Relocation and Protection Program - locked in battle with its deadliest foe: the SFPD.


Falling in love. Losing a child. Gaining a wife. Going nowhere. Getting rich. Talking trash. Living a lie. Hitting the jackpot. Killing yourself. Facing the truth. Making a comeback. Making a list. Going for broke. Hitting the wall. Making a splash. Dying inside.


There is a moment in every story when a character's deepest desire meets her greatest fear - when she must summon her courage just to draw another breath. Once upon a time, those moments were rare. Now they are impossible to escape. It's brutal out there.


As a writer, I am met with a new challenge: finding light in the darkness - gifting my audience a moment's peace - without shirking my responsibility to the world as it is. And so I shall.


I am grateful to all of my creative partners past and present.

They are (in order of appearance):  Jason Brubaker, Animal Logic, Bruce Cohen, Bennett Miller, Jeremy Kleiner,  Plan B, Paramount Pictures, Zack and Debbie Snyder, Mark Canton, Gianni Nunnari, Bernie Goldmann, Rob Hackett, Team Downey, Ink Factory - with new friends on the way!


project 04.  "Warhead." The sole passenger aboard Earth's first faster-than-light spaceship discovers that he has attained immortality. In loneliness, he declares himself God. To his surprise, the rest of the universe agrees - to horrific ends.



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